E     X X  P   P E    R   R   TT       
EEE    X   PPPP  EEE  RRRR    TT       
E     X X  P     E    R R     TT       
EEEE X   X P     EEEE R  RR   TT       
TTTTTT  AA  L    K  K  SSS             
  TT   A  A L    K K  S                
  TT   AAAA L    KK    SSS             
  TT   A  A L    K K      S            
  TT   A  A LLLL K  K SSSS    

07.03.2024 5PM CET

Rainer Rehak

21.03.2024 5PM CET

Michael Voit 
Cleaner Web

11.04.2024 5PM CET

Maya Richman
 Green Screen Coalition

25.04.2024 5PM CET

Wikimedia Deutschland

16.05.2024 5PM CET

Joana Moll

Data Extraction, Materiality and Agency (in English)

16.05.2024 5PM CET

Joana Moll

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 ( Join the online event )
  `------------.          <.
              ( Click here )
               `>         '
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( Join the online event )
 `------------.          <.
             ( Click here )
              `>         '

Our so-called networked society has failed so far to transpose the logic of interconnectedness into our lives. Citizens are becoming increasingly machine-like and dependent on data, threatening the connection between humans and their natural habitats. Although most of our daily transactions are carried out through electronic devices, we know very little of the apparatus that facilitates such interactions, or in other words, about the factory that lies beyond the interface. In this talk, we will discuss the interface as a well-engineered capitalist machine that disconnects users from the material complexities of global chains of commodity and data production—and also social reproduction—with the aim of increasing economic profit. Thus, it is necessary to trace the connections that exist between things—as well as the workload involved in the basic maintenance of those connections—if the user is to fully understand the systems they operate in, in order to balance and repair the profoundly asymmetrical distribution of agency, energy, labor, time, care and resources within these planetary networks.
































Joana Moll is an artist and researcher based in Barcelona and Berlin. Her work critically examines the ways in which techno-capitalist narratives affect the literacy of machines, humans and ecosystems. In her research she focuses on internet materiality, surveillance, social profiling, interfaces and energy. Joana Moll‘s work has been presented at renowned institutions, museums, universities and festivals around the world. She is currently a professor at the Art Department of the KHM in Cologne, a visiting lecturer at the Escola Elisava in Barcelona, and a fellow at the Disruption Network Lab Institute in Berlin.













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Katrin Fritsch is a researcher, writer and consultant on technology, climate, and feminism. She advises organisations on data, justice, and emerging technologies. She is a senior program manager at the Green Web Foundation, and the chair of Previously, she co-founded and co-led MOTIF, a think tank working towards social justice in the digital age. Katrin Fritsch is co-initiator of Feminist Futures and holds an MSc in Data & Society.